Camden Maine Adventure Session

An Anniversary Session on the Coast of Maine | Kaelah & Nick | Dallas-Fort Worth Destination Photographer

An Anniversary Session on the Coast of Maine | Kaelah & Nick | Dallas-Fort Worth Destination Photographer

“As is true to the reason I went with you in the first place, you captured the real, raw moments of our relationship. I absolutely love them and I can’t help but notice how happy I look in nearly every one - not a fake smile for the camera, but a real one. Those unposed moments are what make our relationship so special to me, and that’s why I…”

September Sunrise | A Couple Session in Camden, ME | Dallas-Fort Worth Destination Photographer

Our last morning in Maine was an epic one. It was just before dusk as I tiptoed across the old wooden floors toward the kitchen to heat the tea kettle. When I swung open the screen door a cold, salty breeze wrapped itself around my shoulders, painting a layer of goosebumps all the way to my ankles. It was my favorite kind of morning, the kind…